Eolo x Me
Art Direction
Web Design
Commissioned by Milan based agency Dude and their client Eolo to create the website/app layouts for their client Eolo and their campaign Eolo x Me & il mio territorio. The scope of the work included responsive user interface layouts, navigation and onbording menus along with developer guidelines and a set of modular banners to support the loyalty-program that was key to their webportal/app that allowed customers and businesses owners to get an overview of the accumulated points and view the status of points accumulated while buying their local shops though a point-saving loyalty program that allowed customers accumulated points in selected shops covered by Eolo’s services, allowing customers to both save money on their next purchase as well as support the local business and their territory. The main challenges was to create a simplified system/structure that linked the landing site with the customers and shop owners backend/control panel.
Eolo x Me
Art Direction
Web Design
Commissioned by Milan based agency Dude and their client Eolo to create the website/app layouts for their client Eolo and their campaign Eolo x Me & il mio territorio. The scope of the work included responsive user interface layouts, navigation and onbording menus along with developer guidelines and a set of modular banners to support the loyalty-program that was key to their webportal/app that allowed customers and businesses owners to get an overview of the accumulated points and view the status of points accumulated while buying their local shops though a point-saving loyalty program that allowed customers accumulated points in selected shops covered by Eolo’s services, allowing customers to both save money on their next purchase as well as support the local business and their territory. The main challenges was to create a simplified system/structure that linked the landing site with the customers and shop owners backend/control panel.
Responsive layouts & Modular Banners
The web-layouts and flexible banners where optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop devices. Each banner is structured to fit up to three brands to fill most scenarios and use cases.
User Experience
Onboarding Modules
The onboarding was simplified to minimize unnecessary steps and make the process as seamless as possible.
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